Tuesday, 10 May 2016

US experts have developed innovative water to help the blind

California has impaired vision in every part of the world and no secret to those of a technology services to the race of life is now full viewing blind that has a spring Invention can help.
The University of seeing the words Kelly installed a camera springs were invented by California researchers' optical character  "using" the OCR techniques may not only understand but also speak is heard. Such victims are blind or vision can easily read the newspaper or listen to a book while providing the energy required to operate the camera is connected to a small battery.
According to experts, the spring can only read text but not limited to, tell them their names and recognize faces and objects. If a person is exposed when the faces to protect their name and tell him this spring will recognize the name of the blind will be able to know a quiet person.
This spring is still in the experimental stages, you can restore sight to the blind, because it not only paper but can also be read anywhere in the text messages or emails through a smartphone. It can look to the marks on the walls, notes can also identify gaps in knowledge and can seemingly similar things.
It is currently the device is called the  sale only in the United States and the value of US $ 2500 3500. Since the device is still in the experimental stages, it is hoped it will be offered for sale worldwide after further improvements

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