Monday, 16 May 2016

Big news coming from slow to annoy people in Pakistan

Big news coming from slow to annoy people in Pakistan

Lahore (IANS) Pakistan's voice and data company "Multi-Net Pakistan" and Omani company "Oman tail" has announced a submarine fiber cable project to connect the Cyrenaica city of Karachi and Oman, the Silk Road Gateway One (SR G 1) is named, will go up to the Gwadar fiber cable in the future.
SR G 1 900 km 2 plan laid fiber submarine cable will be jayyngy and data transfer per second at 10 bits through each line of Terra. Later, after the economic hub of the future Gwadar will be linked with the project so that it could be possible to connect with the whole world.

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Multi-Net partners of the project, and both Pakistan and Oman taillights are also discussed further in the future or to engage in a partnership the two companies. Multi-Net SR G says one 18-month project will be active after the completion of the project and the US $ 24 million. The two companies have also under-sea fiber cable laying and maintenance agreement with the "Xtera" company.
Pakistan 200 giga bits immediately upon completion of the deal will be available prsyknd additional band urth which will be extended to 20 terra bits per seconds later need. Being part of a project of multi-network of the Internet market in Pakistan PTCL and will end the monopoly on international byndurth of T 1.

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Experts say that the arrival of multi-network market will be substantially reduced price band urth Internet for ISPs in Pakistan Telecommunication companies will have to see reduced by 60%. According to experts, this rate byndurth in Pakistan STM US $ 3000 and is expected to be one of STM US $ 1,200 until December 2017.

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