Sunday, 24 July 2016

The Moon puky now available in Japan

The Moon puky now available in Japan
Nintendo's Game puky Moon Although the birthplace of her small manstrz virtual characters that have been launched in Japan.
US nyantk announcement about the game that they are launched in Japan as "the end of this game."
Virtual reality-based game puky Moon before I was released six of July in the United States, New Zealand and Australia and this game is already available in more than 30 countries and enjoys great popularity.
* Puky Saudi fatwa against Moon Video Game
The youth opened fire on the Moon * puky
Fast food restaurants that game in Japan have been launched with the collaboration agreement Mick McDonald's.
Likely I will have been shown to meet puky Moon on the point during the game, then there are places where they will prepare for the manstrz caught playing this game virtual battle Mick McDonald's advertisement there will.
However, Mick McDonald's spokesman said that the game will be asked to play there that she not cause any problems for users. "
Friday morning, some Japanese fans have tweets I'm glad that they still can play this game.
Based in Japan astrylun smyul locus that is associated with YouTube told the BBC: "As soon as I knew that the work server for this game, I got out of bed, dress altered and your iPhone with two additional batteries ran out. "
"Now I'm just puky Japan post office that was my first stop, and I'm going to a park near my house. '
Another puky Moon 21 tumuharu cigarabia The user does not have to go far, the game character are looking for carmndr in his bed.
Puky the Moon first came to Nintendo's Game Boy device in 1990. The Nintendo Pokemon and Pokemon nyantk shared with the US company, which owns the rights to the characters

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