Thursday, 12 May 2016

Pakistan successfully tested the first hydrogen flight in Britain

Pakistan successfully tested the first hydrogen flight in Britain

Prior experience in the US weighs its fuel than conventional aircraft to fly 10 minutes and one third. Photos: Courtesy of the Scottish Association of Marine Sciences
London: British engineers have built the world's first drone that flies the liquid hydrogen fuel and emitted only water vapor instead of smoke.
UK city of the Scottish Association of Marine Sciences experts in the cross-bar made it, has been used in solid hydrogen in the US According to the head of the project was to be a difficult task when The Airbus company a hydrogen plane
Planning British company making the first experience in the US will help in making the fly 10 minutes and the weight of the fuel than conventional aircraft, one third of the weight and environmentally friendly commercial aircraft but after that
The company, which was used in the polymer arskta plane had flown up to 2 hours but it was only 10 minutes. Light, environmentally friendly and will fast when the interesting thing is that the cold fuel will have to be flying in icy areas and the future of drone kinds of situations that the project will be to create hydrogen drones in the future according to maker I can fly
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