Monday, 16 May 2016

How much weight obese than people

How much weight obese than people

PA that has been detected, a new study has increased even more overweight than doubled tripled in men and women that are still found to be more obese people who lose weight in the world and in men while obesity has tripled in women fourfold increase in obesity. This new research, scientists have ampyryyl College, London, the results of which about 20 million men and women in body mass index between 1975 and 2014. The research published in the journal Lancet recruit idea of ​​science (BMI) were compared.the number of obese people in the world was 105 million increase in 2014 was 641 million.view obesity praised IBM is comparable in physical stature and weight which makes the measurement.initiatives to overcome says the study shows that the number of people over forty years ago, fat people lose weight and vice versa more. This research shows that forty years ago the number of people lose weight and vice versa obese people more say though, it's less weight in the last few decades that have ratifiedrate declined from 15 percent down to 14 percent, while nine per cent of women have dropped ten percent.four million men and 61 million women were thicker than 68 million men and 77 million women in the UK suffer from obesity, according to a review of .2014.

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